Thursday, November 11, 2010


 Sometimes I get you, Sometimes I don’t understand.
Sometimes I love you, Sometimes it's you I can't stand.
Sometimes I wanna hug you, Sometimes I wanna push you away.
Most times I wanna kiss you, Other times put you and every minute you start switching up
And you say things like, ‘ You don't give a fuck!'
Then I say, ‘I'm through with you.' Take my heart from you. And you come running after me, and, baby, I'm back with you.
- Rihanna.

i know people argue. i know its normal. i understand that. whats not normal is arguing all the fucking time and you make up or you argue about little bullshit then you cry then you make up then you break up then u make up then u argue again then u make up.-__- like breaking up 15 times a month!. i know i havent been in a relationship i might be like that but im just saying. hopefully not. i guess my head was wondering last night. theres so much about relationships. i know when my friends talk to me about their girlfriend/boyfriends like if they argue or something i know ill be on their side, but you gotta understand if you keep coming to the same person and telling me the same exact shit i dont know what the hell to tell you. i know your hurting and you just need someone to be there, but when you keep on telling me the same shit and i already told you some advice or try giving you advice in the beginning try it? i dont know. dont run to me and tell me the same stuff over and over cause my head is going to explode and im just going to shut my mouth and like listen. thats all i can do, listen to you. ill have a shoulder for you. i  also notice its mostly girls. guys are so strong or they dont show their weakness. most guys i guess. why cant girls do that? try and not give a fuck so they can run back to you.

i dislike how some people who become in a relationship  you get all close and you disappear on your friends. -____-.  i guess thats how it is in the beginning? you just want to spend more time with your boyfriend/girlfriend? i dont know. its just i see that alot. also. "friends or boyfriend?" who do you choose? i wouldnt know. some people push their friends so far away and dont understand why its not the same anymore. ask your self. try to keep in touch at least. have time for your friends and significant other and family of course. once someone fucks up on you, you know who you have in the end. just know*.

i adore my friend lucy, shes great. what i like is she spends time with her friends and also have time for her boyfriend. i notice she doesnt really talk about her problems as much only if she needed someone really bad. i love that about her, even sometime if she is hurting inside, she stays strong outside. i love that.

this is just my point of view. its my opinion i dont care if you think im wrong or right.
sometimes i feel like i push my friends awya

"i dont break up with him no more, i know were going to get back together n-eways its a routine." -linaN

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