Thursday, January 20, 2011

apple is great.

im pretty high right now, and im eating a apple and my dad just came out of the room. i clearly can hear the music slowly and my chewing. i can hear them all at the same time. its pretty cool. thinking about what if my dad ask me why does that apple smells like weed? haha its clearly a thursday night im not doing nothing at all. just here, plus everyone is going back to school. also that means i got work! i will keep trying my best to work and make some cash. its better then sitting my ass at home doing nothing. i should try. hm. music is really good right now, i love how i can hear all the lyrics they say. yeah even busta rhymes. im pretty hungry im still eating the apple but other side of my brain im thinking about wingstop. mmm i would order 10 wings combo! mm with fries and a drink. of course the ranch as well.! mmm ketchup! sounds so great. flavor lemon pepper and barbeque. mmm im so hungry. korean bbq sounds good as well. i havent ate around there. my music stop awhile ago and i was sitting there thinking about when is my music going to stop? you know what i mean? its a trip. i feel so relax. everytime. everytime. just chilling my eyes feel kind of low and heavy. its burning well not burning burning. um i want some tuna. tuna. so great. wait i dont know . but mac and cheese . damn i am hungry. im funny i got apple stuck on my teeth. eyes feel so heavy. i think i said that i think i have. hm . ill just end this right now and relax. :)