Saturday, February 19, 2011


last night it was shy (charlene) house party at her apartment in northridge. i ended up going but  mckaven driving cause the mexican truck i was going to drive was a fail. haha mckaven and aldrich and i couldnt NOT fit in the truck hahahaha! i felt like i had 3 legs. aldrich legs could of gas for me hahaha. wierd. anyways it was nice seeing faces. good shit was smoking out! i was topline blown. like seriously. bowls on pipes. bowls on bongs. a blunt. an a bubbler. it was great. i was pretty much "mr.giggles." i was laughing so much and my imagination was going. hilarious! it was fun :). glad i went. gots to admit the fucking bong hits wassssss crazy. anyways got home safe and im glad everyone did as well.

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